Why I’ve Gone Off Youtube


For a long time, I had no life (to be homest, I still don’t). I spent my days wasting away watching various YouTubers and desperately trying to get noticed.

In the last 6months/year this hasn’t happened so much because I’ve been so busy and I found this little thing called EDM. Going back to YouTube and its fans… I kind of realised how crap it is.

I guess you can only watch so many people getting pranked by Joe Sugg, favourites videos by beauty vloggers, baking tutorials of stuff you know you will never make and the endless fucking Q+A’s. Yes, I still watch the occasional video, but I’d say I spend less than 10 minutes a week doing this now as opposed to half of my day (well, night technically, but that’s another story).

As well as this, I just find EDM fans a lot easier to follow, they’re less “turning everything they see into evidence of a theory” (hello Dan Howell and Phil Lester fans) and more passionate about something that I really love, I tend to find I have more in common with them (I’m not saying I haven’t found some really amazing friends through youtube).

However my biggest problem with YouTubers (it isn’t Jack Maynard or Marcus Butler, although both of them do annoy me) is the lack of interaction with their fans. By all means, give me the arguement of they have so many people following them they won’t ever respond to everyone. Whatever.

The bottom line is, I spent probably 2 years trying to get anyone’s attention in the YouTube world. In 6 months I can give you a pretty fucking long list of DJs that have noticed me. If you would like a copy of that list, feel free to contact me, I would be happy to share that with you, that list includes some big names. The list of youtubers that have payed me any attention? Oh yeah, zero.

These are people who are payed to be on the internet and are supposedly known for their “great relationship with their viewers”. I’m putting it out there, DJs are not primarily people who sit on the internet, they have a hectic schedule and they still have time for their fans online.

So as a conclusion to this post, I’m just going to say it. EDM is the hell of a better place to be a fan than YouTube. And yes, it was YouTubers who made me want to start this blog, doesn’t mean that a) I can’t evolve and change my opinion and b) I can’t hate them.

If you enjoyed this piss take then please give this post a like or a comment. If you want to see more of my ramblings then feel free to follow me. My socials are also liked at the top of this page if you are not using the WordPress reader.

AwkwardHuman xx

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