The Exchange Student Situation


I can officially say I had the weirdest 36 hours of my life this week. Basically, it was around Tuesday lunch time, I’d texted my mum earlier in the day to say a sports fixture may be cancelled, but we didn’t know. The reply I recieved was something along the lines of “if you need to be picked up at 4, that’s fine, I’ll be there at 4 to collect the French exchange student.”

No one in my family takes french.

Eventually it turned out that my brother had expressed an interest in having an exchange student, but since he doesn’t take the language, he was put on the back up list. Some family let them down. So we had an exchange student.

Which was fine. Until we realised, my dad was due to come home after quite a long time on Sunday. So on the Wednesday night we thought this was something we should mention when he called.

My dad had different ideas. Literally right after my mum had messaged him about the extra child, he showed up. Roughly 5 days early. And he still had no clue we had an extra child in the house.

That was a really entertaining one to explain to him.

Anyway, he didn’t seem to mind too much so everything was OK, but it was still pretty entertaining.

I hope you enjoyed this post, please give it a like if you did. Follow me to see more of my life fails. My socials are at the top.

AwkwardHuman xx

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